Ok, as I embark on my third year. I look back over some interesting moments when I truly thought that in ‘bout a year, “I’m gonna end up shaving my head again, cause this hair of mine will remain splotchy.” I did yall, I had conversation about this here…..

or this one….

I can honestly say that patients is the key and all I can think about now is I’m sure glad I have hair on my head for the winter, but what about when summer rolls around again?!?!? My hair is now on my neck and in my eye…..

However, when I’m ready to change my look it will be either cutting my locs into a style or coloring my locs. In no way, by no means do I feel this is just another phase I’m going through. I have truly accepted the hair that the Divine Creator, God, had given to me, and locs are just the style I’ve always wanted. Since I’m not gonna perm, and can’t stand pressing, flat ironing etc. This
IS the logical explanation, and I’ve wanted to loc for years, but was comfortable with what I knew & afraid of the unknown. Ok, ok, ok, enough of that……
I have always, had an air of confidence no matter how
BIG or
small, faded or permed, bald or braided and now loc’d. I have to confess that the beginning was a ‘lil hard on my confidence, but I stuck it through. I think the vanity is from well… both mom & dad’s sides of the families. So, I got it honestly….this attitude that, “

still concerned ‘bout that eyebrow). So, now I’m working on on my 3rd year (10/2008 -10/2009). I know everyone celebrates the actual Loc’d date or thereabouts. I celebrate the move INTO the next year. Like those ‘lil kids that say I’m 5 ½ . So, if I had to count I would say that I am……24month & 5days.
So, here are a few of the good’ens not in any particular order.